Pharmacy Mentorship Program

student smiling in class

MentorRx, our comprehensive and integrated mentorship program, pairs PharmD students with pharmacists for ongoing personal, professional, academic, and/or career support. Every student will have access to mentorship with a pharmacy professional that is bi-directional, personalized, and ongoing.

How it works

Students will be matched with a professional mentor based on common career goals, life experiences, and/or identity affiliations. To get started, students and mentors register through our partner platform, Mentor Collective, and complete an online survey to paint a holistic picture of their interests and experiences. The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete. Mentors then will need to complete an asynchronous online training that will take 20-30 minutes. Mentor registration will re-open summer 2025.

Student registration is open for spring semester! Pairs will be matched on a weekly basis based on student need.





two white women smiling

"My current mentor actually texts me at the start and end of each block! We discuss my goals going in and my plans to achieve them and then at the close, what actions I took to achieve these goals. We also touch base about how I'm doing in all aspects of life, allowing me to feel holistically supported and engaged."

Mentee Kate France, PD4 Student Pharmacist

"There is nothing better than seeing a mentee launch into their own career, pursue and achieve their own unique goals, and improve the world by aligning their passions with their strengths and their education. I feel as though I benefit just as much from my mentoring relationships as my students, as I have the opportunity to learn from and be inspired by the work that they do and the change they make in the world. My mentees are like family to me."

Mentor Dr. Laura Palombi, Pharm.D., MPH, MAT


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What is mentorship?

In this program, mentorship is defined as a reciprocal and collaborative at-will relationship that fosters mentee growth by:

  • Imparting wisdom, sharing personal and professional experiences, and delivering expert insight
  • Championing and encouraging holistic, long-term mentee success
  • Bridging the knowledge gap between theory and practice

Mentorship is not: job training, supervision, or a promise of a job or internship.

What is the time commitment?

After an initial training and kickoff session in October, participants can determine how frequently they would like to meet and communicate, whether in person or virtually. Generally, we encourage pairs to meaningfully connect three times per semester, or 1-2 hours per month.

One short survey about your conversations will be requested each semester, along with a final program evaluation at the end of the academic year.

How long does the program last?

The program formally runs from October-April/May. After that time, participants may register again requesting the same mentor match, a different mentor match, and/or continue the relationship informally without formally participating.

We encourage all participants to continue the relationship to the extent they are comfortable after the conclusion of the formal program.

What are the expectations of the mentoring relationship?

The expectations are simply to get to know one another and be appropriately responsive with communication. Even without structured topics or activities, we believe there is great benefit in sharing life experiences, asking questions, and gaining new perspectives. 

There are conversation guides available in the Mentor Collective platform if you would like to go over specific topics in a structured way (examples: networking, mental/emotional health, discrimination in the workplace). These guides are available after you register for the program.

There is no expectation of job or internship placement. If appropriate, job shadowing, informational interviews, or other networking opportunities are welcome.

What support is available through the college?

The MentorRx Handbook contains information, FAQs, and links to a variety of resources. In addition, a mentor coordinator is available to answer questions, consult on issues, and support the relationship and your participation in the program.

"I did not have the opportunity when I was a student to connect with pharmacists in my (hopeful) career path. I have felt so fulfilled helping to guide and provide career advice and have felt more enlightened with my own practice since I get to witness the joy and excitement of a pharmacy student hearing about it."

Kate Neverman, PharmD, BCACP, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine & Science