Admissions Overview

Application Materials

Cover Letter/Letter of Intent

Provide one cover letter that outlines your interest in the University of Minnesota Postgraduate (PGY1) Pharmacy Residency Program and highlights attributes that support your candidacy for our program. We've designed a template Letter of Intent that you may find useful. 

Ensure you include one paragraph directed to each site you are applying to. It's expected the cover letter may be longer than one page depending on the number of sites you are applying to, but limit it to no more than 2-3 pages. Our sites recognize applicants often apply to more than one site and will have access to the cover letter. If you are applying to more than one site, you can direct the cover letter to the Program Director. You can upload the same letter to PhORCAS for each site within our program you are applying to. 

Curriculum vitae

Three letters of reference (minimum)

Reference writers are asked to complete the standard reference form within PhORCAS. Reference writers are encouraged to complete all of the text boxes to provide valuable information to our program. Please do not have reference letters mailed to our program as they will not be considered. 


Sending Official Pharmacy College Transcripts (opens in a new window and will direct you to PhORCAS information site)

We do not require undergraduate transcripts. It takes PhORCAS time to process transcripts so do not delay in requesting your transcripts.


Doctor of Pharmacy degree (PharmD) or equivalent, eligible for immediate licensure by the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy.

Non-US Citizens

We are currently accepting applications from non-US citizens, but we are unable to sponsor visas for residents. In order to apply, a candidate must be able to secure an appropriate visa for employment by the University of Minnesota, as well as ensure they will be qualified to take the licensure examinations by June 2025. Typically we work with OPT visas. 

Selection Criteria

Residents are selected based on their commitment to patient care as well as their dedication to advancing pharmaceutical care practice. Strong verbal and written communication skills are essential. Demonstrated involvement in a variety of professional activities are highly desirable and potential to express leadership in the profession.

Interviews and "The Match"

Residents submit one application to our program and it is reviewed by the preceptors and residents at each site to which the candidate has applied. Sites then select the candidates whom they wish to interview. For example, a candidate may apply to 4 sites in our program and then be invited to interview with some or all of those sites. Interviews will be conducted virtually only and each site is planning various ways to showcase their culture and community for our applicants. Each residency training site has its own listing in the residency matching system, therefore candidates will rank each site with which they interviewed in our program individually within their overall rank order list. Thus, a match with our program creates a match directly to a specific affiliated site. Click here for more information about the Match.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can I register for the Match?
A: You can register for the Match here beginning in early November.

Q: When is the application deadline?
A: Application deadline is January 2, 2025: 11:59 PM EST. This deadline is firm.

Q: Where can I apply for a residency position in your program?
A: You can apply here beginning in early November.

Q: If I am interested in applying to multiple sites within your program, do I submit one application for the program or one for each site?
A: You will only submit one application to our program but will select as many sites as you are interested in and apply individually.

Q: If I am applying to multiple sites in your program, do I pay a separate application fee for each site I am interested in?
A: Yes, each site is charged it's own fee. 

Q: As an applicant, do I submit one cover letter to the entire program, or a cover letter for each individual site?
A: Applicants should submit one general cover letter that includes one paragraph directed to each site you are applying to. You can direct the cover letter to the Program Director if you are applying to more than one site. We've designed a template Letter of Intent that you may find useful. 

Q: If I am invited for an interview, where will the interview be held?
A: Interviews are hosted by the individual residency site and will be conducted virtually. Each site is planning various ways to showcase their culture and community for our applicants.

Additional Questions?

Please contact PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program Coordinator Amy Pavelka at [email protected].