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The Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology

Where Bench and Patient-Centered Research Come Together.

The Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP) is at the forefront of the emerging discipline of experimental pharmacotherapeutics, providing national and international leadership in individualized medicine through prominent research and an excellent graduate program.

Lisa Coles, MS, PhD
Lisa Coles, MS, PhD

Faculty Spotlight

Lisa Coles, MS, PhD, is the Associate Director of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics in the Center for Orphan Drug Research (CODR). She uses modeling and pharmacometrics to address a range of issues related to seizures, seizure emergencies, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and epilepsy.

Read more about Dr. Coles' career and her work on predicting and treating seizure activity in the Fall 2023 issue of the ECP Gazette (.pdf).

ECP Clinical and Translational Research

This cross-disciplinary paradigm translates basic scientific discoveries into safe and effective therapeutic uses by providers and patients, through laboratory experiments and clinical studies. Clinical data can also prompt new questions and investigations, leading back to the bench and beginning a new cycle of translational research.


Melanie Nicol

Nicol, associate professor and director of graduate studies in the Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP), has been selected as an inductee into the Academy for Excellence in Team Science.

Pamala Jacobson

Award recognizes exceptional contributions to the field of pharmacogenomics

Lynda Welage

Dr. Lynda Welage, professor in the Department of Experimental & Clinical Pharmacology, is the recipient of the 2024 Harold R. Popp Award from the Minnesota Pharmacists Association.

PGx echo wordmark

Program offers health care professionals free education on pharmacogenomics (PGx).

#pharmgradwishlist logo

Started from a social media post shared in 2021 by Dr. Elizabeth Hirsch, #PharmGradWishlist (PGWL) is an organized mutual aid movement supporting racially and ethnically minoritized pharmacy trainees in the college and across the country.