The University of Minnesota Summer College of Pharmacy Experience (SCoPE) Program aims to provide pharmaceutical career exploration opportunities and adequate technical and professional skills enhancement opportunities to prepare scholars for post-baccalaureate PhD and PharmD program entry.
During the 10-week SCoPE program, participants will be paired with a faculty advisor who will oversee a research-intensive project and aid in the preparation of an Individual Development Plan. The full-time positions will allow participants to experience what it is like to be a graduate or professional student in the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. Additional time each week will be devoted to:
- professional development cohort meetings (topics include intro to collaborative research, work/life balance, cultural competence, CV/resume preparation, and more)
- career and technical seminars
- preparation for applying to PhD or PharmD programs.
SCoPE scholars will participate in he University-wide end-of-program poster symposium to present the highlights of their summer work. We strongly encourage members of underrepresented groups to apply for our summer program.
SCoPE Program dates: June 2 – August 8, 2025
Application deadline is January 19, 2025 at 11:59pm. APPLY TODAY!
Program Description
The University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy has a dual campus model with sites in Duluth and Minneapolis. PhD and PharmD programs are available at each campus, and research programs at both sites span the full range from basic science discovery & development all the way up to patient care & community health. SCoPE scholars will learn about the pharmaceutical sciences and experience life as a College of Pharmacy graduate or professional student would. SCoPE scholars must select either the Duluth or Twin Cities campus based on where they are able to secure their own housing. Additionally, Twin Cities participants will need to select a preferred department for placement. After acceptance into the SCoPE Program, participants will be matched with research mentors based on mentor availability as well as participants’ scientific interests.
Research Departments
Experimental & Clinical Pharmacology - Twin Cities
The Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP) advances the science of human pharmacology & therapeutics to improve the safe, effective, & economic use of drugs by patients. Students in ECP translate from bench to bedside through laboratory experiments & clinical studies with a particular focus on personalized medicine.
Medicinal Chemistry - Twin Cities
The Department of Medicinal Chemistry is a dynamic, multifaceted scientific discipline that is dedicated to the improvement of human health through molecular research. Students in Med Chem utilize a variety of biological, chemical, and computational techniques to design & develop safe & effective therapeutic, diagnostic, and environmental agents. Ongoing project areas include cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, glaucoma, chronic pain, and antibiotics.
Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems - Twin Cities
The Department of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems (PCHS) advances the practice of pharmaceutical care and its role in the healthcare system for the benefit of patients & society through education, research, & service. Student researchers in PCHS study implementation of pharmacy programs and behavior-oriented theories, public policy, economic factors, and the use, non-use, and abuse of drugs.
Pharmaceutics - Twin Cities
The Department of Pharmaceutics studies the quantitative aspects of drug delivery. It involves the design, development and evaluation of drugs in combination with an appropriate dosage form. Student researchers in Pharmaceutics have projects in which they characterize the physical properties of drugs, develop innovative drug delivery systems, and quantitatively evaluate drug ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism, & excretion) properties and pharmacological activity in living organisms.
Pharmacy Practice & Pharmaceutical Sciences - Duluth
Located on the CoP’s Duluth campus, the Department of Pharmacy Practice & Pharmaceutical Sciences has multidisciplinary faculty with expertise in the basic, clinical, social, and behavioral sciences. Students play an important role in PPPS research laboratories, and numerous opportunities exist for students who have a desire to gain research experiences as professional or graduate students.
SCoPE Compensation Package
SCoPE scholars will receive a stipend of $6,000. Campus housing may be available for the Twin Cities campus upon request.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be:
1. A US Citizen or permanent resident of the US or its possessions
2. Currently attending an accredited 2- or 4-year institution on a full-time basis.
3. Interested in the pharmaceutical sciences pharmacy or the pharmaceutical sciences (eg medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, pharmaceutics).
4. Able to commit to a full-time appointment for the duration of the 10-week program. You will not be allowed to hold additional paid or unpaid positions, participate in other academic programs including coursework, or take time off for vacation beyond what is granted by University holiday (eg Juneteenth and Independence Day observation) without advanced permission from the SCoPE Directors and your mentor.
Application Process
Read before initiating as application!
All steps below are necessary to successfully submit your SCoPE application. There are six sections to complete and each must be completed in its entirety. You will have the option to save a return to the application at a later time so long as the application is finished and submitted prior to the deadline.
Personal information
Standard contact information, emergency contact information, and demographic information is requested. Questions pertaining to race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status are for post-program reporting only. They do not factor in to admissions, and you do not have to answer.Academic record
In addition to questions about academic and extracurricular activities, you will need to upload a compiled PDF of all of your post-secondary course transcripts. This file should be named LastNameFirstNamePSC.pdf For example, if Rebecca Cuellar submits an application, her file would be named CuellarRebeccaPSC.pdf The transcript(s) do not need to be scanned official copies, but if an official transcript is not provided, your college/university registrar may be called for verification.SCoPE placement preference
Peruse the ECP, Med Chem, PCHS, Pharmaceutics, and PPPS departmental webpages and SCoPE faculty mentor webpages to make an informed selection for SCoPE site (Duluth or the Twin Cities) and mentor. Your selection on the application is not final and ultimately will be based mentor availability as well as student interest.Personal Statement and Diversity statement
500 word limit/essay. We recommend preparing this in a word processing program and then copying & pasting into the form fields.- References
We highly encourage you to contact the two people you plan to name as required references before you complete your application. After you submit your completed application, your listed references will be contact with a link to submit their reference information electronically.
- Application certification
If you have question or are having issues submitting your application, please contact us at [email protected]
Application Dates
Initial application status update: February 10-21
Courtney Aldrich (Med Chem)
Grant Anderson (PPPS), Duluth Campus
Angela Birnbaum (ECP)
Jeff Bishop (ECP)
Lisa Coles (ECP)
Bill Elmquist (Pharmaceutics)
Carolyn Fairbanks (Pharmaceutics)
Joel Farley (PCHS)
Gunda Georg (Med Chem)
Dan Harki (Med Chem)
Carrie Haskell-Luevano (Med Chem)
Betsy Hirsch (ECP)
R. Stephanie Huang (ECP)
Karunya Kandimalla (Pharmaceutics)
Reena Kartha (ECP)
Nam Chul Kim (PPPS), Duluth Campus
Ling Li (ECP)
Melanie Nicol (ECP)
Olihe Okoro (PPPS), Duluth Campus
Laura Palombi (PPPS), Duluth Campus
Jon Schommer (PCHS)
Ron Siegel (Pharmaceutics)
Wendy St. Peter (PCHS)
David Stenehjem (PPPS), Duluth Campus
Robert Straka (ECP)
Natalia Tretyakova (Med Chem
Carston R. Wagner (Med Chem)
Beshay Zordoky (ECP)