Research Education Opportunities

Opportunities that offer a multi-disciplinary view of translational research for post-graduate trainees (post-doc fellows and residents) and students that includes rare diseases, orphan drugs, neurological disorders, translational and clinical pharmacology, spasticity, neurodegenerative disease, and epilepsy.

PharmD Students

PharmD Students

Directed Research/ Directed Study Registration

Under the direction of a faculty member, students may earn Directed Research or Directed Study credits for special projects. Occasionally special topics classes are also offered under Directed Study course numbers. University guidelines indicate the following expectations for one credit of Directed Research or Directed Study:

  • 15 hours/semester of meeting time with faculty director
  • 2 hours/week outside of that meeting time
  • Thus 1 credit = 3 hours/week = 45 hours/semester

Generally it would be difficult for a student to take more than 1 credit of Directed Research or Directed Study per semester, given the above time requirements.

Directed Research and Directed Study may be taken on the A/F or S/N grading basis. The student and faculty director should discuss which grading basis to use before the student registers.

Students may count Directed Research and Directed Study credits toward the required 10 credits of electives (even if taken on the S/N grading basis).

To register for Directed Research and Directed Study, students need faculty permission. After discussion with a faculty member who agrees to direct the research or study, the faculty member should email his or her permission to OSS: Amy Renne (Duluth campus) at [email protected] or Peter Haeg (Twin Cities campus) at [email protected], who will register the student for the Directed Research or Study. The email should also specify the number of credits and the grading basis.

  • PHAR 6293 Directed Research I
    (prereq instr consent ) 1-5 credits
  • PHAR 6294 Directed Study I
    (max 5 credits; 5 repeats allowed; prereq instr consent) 1-5 credits
  • PHAR 6393 Directed Research II
    (prereq instr consent ) 1-5 credits
  • PHAR 6394 Directed Study II
    (max 5 credits; 5 repeats allowed; prereq instr consent ) 1-5 credits
  • PHAR 6493 Directed Research III 
    (max 5 credits; 5 repeats allowed; prereq instr consent) 1-5 credits

Fourth year students in the PharmD program may request an academic rotation with CODR. This experience can be tailored to the students' interests while still providing an overview of a career in academia.

A New Course Added
A new College of Pharmacy directed study course based on attendance at the weekly CODR research conferences was approved spring semester 2014. The course (ECP 8900 - Advanced Topics in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology) is a highly interactive discussion on topics related to rare disorders and research, economics, regulatory and public policy aspects of orphan drugs. The primary instructor is Reena Kartha. M.S., PhD

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Students

CODR has some opportunities for undergrad students to gain research experience. Scholarships are available through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP).

New Course Added

A new Grand Challenge Curriculum freshman seminar course is added and will be offered in Spring 2020.

"Rare Diseases: What it Takes to Be a Medical Orphan" (GCC 1906) is a highly interactive discussion on topics related to rare disorders and research, economic, regulatory and public policy aspects of orphan drugs. The primary instructor is Reena Kartha, MS, PhD.

Research Experience Projects – Year Plus Research Experience for Students

CODR has opportunities for PharmD students to gain translational and/or clinical research experience by working on a project. The length of commitment will vary by project depending upon the project and the student's goals. The experience can either take the form of directed research or a paid research opportunity. Students interested in applying for a Melendy Research Scholarship will be given preference.

Graduate Education

Graduate Education

CODR offers research opportunities for students accepted into the ECP Graduate program. Interested individuals should contact Dr. Cloyd, [email protected] to discuss their interest and the availability of projects. In addition to research training, exposure to clinical care in relevant areas is also available.

The center in collaboration with the Medical School Gene Therapy Program offers a research training program in the pharmacotherapy and metabolic disorders. For additional information please contact Jeanine Utz, PharmD, [email protected].