Carston Wagner Receives Distinguished Teaching Award

February 26, 2020

Carston Wagner Headshot

Minneapolis, Minn.

Feb. 26, 2020

Carston Wagner, PhD, has been named the recipient of a 2019-20 University of Minnesota Award for Outstanding Contributions to Graduate and Professional Education. Those who receive this award are designated Distinguished University Teaching Professors and become members of the University of Minnesota’s Academy of Distinguished Teachers

According to the University provost’s letter of congratulations, this honor “is awarded to exceptional candidates nominated by colleges in their quest to identify excellence in graduate and professional education...This award reflects the University’s strong and enduring commitment to quality graduate and professional education at the University of Minnesota.” 

Dr. Wagner is a professor and endowed chair in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry. His research laboratory focuses on the development of new anti-cancer and antiviral therapies, as well as novel non-opioid pain medications.

Media Contacts

Dawn Tucker
College of Pharmacy
Eileen Omizo-Whittenberg
College of Pharmacy