Ferguson and Dillman Awarded PharmD Teaching Awards
June 20, 2024

The Department of Medicinal Chemistry is pleased to announce that two members of our department were selected by the College of Pharmacy’s PharmD cohorts for PharmD Teaching Awards!
The PharmD class of 2027 selected Prof. David Ferguson as the Teacher of the Year on the Twin Cities campus. Prof. Ferguson is no stranger to winning these awards – he is one the most decorated people in the college in terms of recognition for his PharmD teaching prowess. We are grateful for his dedication to teaching as well as his unwavering commitment to the success of the PharmD program and its graduates.
The PharmD class of 2025 selected Medicinal Chemistry PhD Student Nathan Dillman as a TA of the Semester on the Twin Cities campus for the spring semester of 2024. Nathan works with Prof. Courtney Aldrich in his laboratory and received his bachelor’s degree from the University of South Carolina. We are grateful for his contributions to science as well as to our academic community.
Join us as we extend a warm congratulations to both Nathan and Prof. Ferguson!