Michael Kotlyar, PharmD

Professor, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP)
Michael Kotlyar, PharmD


Office Phone
Office Address

7-153 Weaver-Densford Hall
308 Harvard St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States


Professor, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP)
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry


PharmD, Purdue University

MS Clinical Research, University of Minnesota

BS Pharmacy, State University of New York at Buffalo


Drug Development Fellowship, University of North Carolina School of Pharmacy and Glaxo Wellcome, Inc.

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Bio Summary

Michael Kotlyar is an associate professor in the Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. His research focuses on evaluating various aspects of tobacco dependence including assessing medications to assist in the smoking cessation attempt and assessing the role of stress on smoking behavior.


Tobacco use disorder; Pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation; Relationship between stress and smoking; Tobacco Regulatory Science 

Professional Associations

  • American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists 
  • Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 

Research Summary

The overall goal of Dr. Kotlyar's research program is to decrease the harm associated with tobacco use and increase smoking cessation rates. His research has focused on 1) evaluating how smoking cessation medications can be used more effectively; 2) evaluating how stress affects smoking; and 3) evaluating topics related to Tobacco Regulatory Science including assessing how emerging tobacco products or potential regulatory policies are likely to affect tobacco use patterns. 
