Gardner Lepp, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professor and Education Specialist, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Gardner Lepp Headshot


Office Address

LSci 125 1110 Kirby Drive
Duluth, MN 55812
United States


Adjunct Assistant Professor and Education Specialist, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Doctor of Adult Education, Capella University, Minneapolis, MN

Master of Arts in Organizational Management, Concordia University, St. Paul, MN

Bachelor of Arts in English, St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN

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Dr. Lepp is a professional educator with leadership experience in business and health care organizations. His primary interest is in creating lasting, meaningful educational experiences, and helping others learn through critical, creative interactions.

The first 10 years of Dr. Lepp’s career was as manager in a corporate setting.The organizations included Best Buy Inc, and Target Corp, in Minneapolis, and FirstSolutions in Duluth, Minnesota. The work centered on communication and training: helping field employees understand and implement information sent from the corporate headquarters. This work in training others led him to pursue his doctorate to further understand the teaching/learning process.

In 2012, Dr. Lepp accepted a position in the University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy as an Education Specialist; a staff position designed to help the administration, faculty and students identify and implement evidence-based instruction. The educational perspective he provided was instrumental in helping faculty apply a variety of active learning treatments to formerly traditional, lecture-based courses. Also, with his background in management and communication, and knowledge of education, Dr. Lepp has been asked to speak extensively to local professional groups on managing conflict, team development, inter-generational learning, and other topics.

Since April 2012, Dr. Lepp has taught in nine core courses, been guest lecturer in seven courses, and advised one student on his 4th Year Paper. In 2014, Dr. Lepp was given a Meritorious Service Award for contributions to the College of Pharmacy. In 2015, the College asked Dr. Lepp to be course director for all four of the Professional Development courses in the core curriculum.


  • Teaching and learning
  • Understanding the factors that comprise an effective learning environment

Research Summary

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Professional Identity
  • Intent in the learning process
  • Experiential learning


Teaching Areas

Professional development; faculty teaching development; professional identity; conflict and communication

Awards & Recognition

Social and Administrative Sciences Section “Best Poster” Award at 2017 AACP Annual Meeting and Conference.

Professional Associations





Lepp, G.A. & Fierke, K.K. (in press). Expanding student perspectives in an authentic learning environment. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal.

Fierke, K. K, Lepp, G. A., Bastianelli, K., Vogelsang, L. & Tornabene, L. (2016). Using an Intention/Reflection practice to focus students towards future professions in a short-term international travel experience. Current Issues in Education, 19(2).

Fierke, K. K. & Lepp, G. (2015). Documenting student engagement using an Intention/Reflection exercise during an advanced pharmacy practice experience. The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, 14(3), 47-60.

Lepp, G., Maxwell, W. D., Sucher, B. J., Hager, K. D. & Fierke, K. K. Using the Intention/Reflection (I/R) practice to promote self-awareness, self-efficacy, and lifelong learning skills during APPEs. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, July 2016. Poster presentation.