Max and Rose Sadoff Symposium

About the Symposium

The Max and Rose Sadoff Symposium on Pharmacy, Law and Bioethics was established in 1992 and ran through 2011, created by Robert and Harold Sadoff in memory of their parents, who were 1925 graduates of the College of Pharmacy and who operated a community drugstore in South Minneapolis. Robert is a clinical professor of psychiatry, director of the Center for Studies in Social-Legal Psychiatry and director of the Forensic Psychiatry Clinic at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his M.D. in 1959 from the University of Minnesota. Harold Sadoff received his B.S. degree from the College of Pharmacy at the University of Minnesota in 1965. Harold went on to pursue his law degree and now practices law in Minneapolis. In addition to establishing the symposium, the Sadoffs also funded an endowed scholarship for pharmacy students who have an interest in pharmacy, law and ethics.

Max and Rose Sadoff Symposium

Marnie Peterson

Final Sadoff Lecturer 2011

Presented by faculty member Marnie Peterson, PhD

The research environment for drug discovery has changed dramatically over the past twenty years. Academic and industrial research entities have been adversely impacted by decreasing funding opportunities, stricter compliance, globalization and escalating costs associated with drug discovery. These pressures have resulted in a flattening of the number of drugs approved by the FDA on an annual basis.

This lecture will focus on how current financial, global and technological factors have created an opportunity to enhance discovery of new therapies through an evolution of research partnerships between academia and industry.

These complex partnerships have the potential to yield many novel therapies, yet by their very nature may create conflict of interest dilemmas. Furthermore, questions remain whether or not collaborative research between academia and industry is less meritorious. The potential opportunity to improve human health through the discovery of new therapies via the synergistic interaction of academia and industrial partners is too critical to ignore.

View Dr. Peterson's lecture “Evolving public and private research collaborations for the next decade”


Sadoff Symposium Lecturers

Established in 1992

Lawrence Gostin, Georgetown University, 2010
"Meeting the Basic Survival Needs of the World’s Least Healthy People: Towards a Framework Convention on Global Health."

Hank Greely, Stanford University, 2009
Neuro-Enhancement: What Should, and Shouldn’t, we worry about

Leigh Turner, University of Minnesota, 2008
International Tourism

R. Alta Charo, University of Wisconsin, 2007
The Celestial Fire of Conscience: Personal Convictions, Professional Duties and Patients Rights.

Jeffrey Kahn, University of Minnesota, 2005
Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research – Ethics and Policy Issues

Peter Ubel, University of Michigan, 2004
“Rationing Wrong: Improving Healthcare by rationing better.”

George Annas, Boston University, 2003
This little pig went to market: Making money, postponing death and protecting human research subjects.”

Linda Emanuel, Northwestern University, 2002
“Of War and Values: What is a professional to do?”

Arthur Applbaum, Harvard University, 2001
“Borders of Legitimacy: The Case of Rich Drugs in Poor Countries.”

Arthur Caplan, University of Pennsylvania, 2000
“Ethics and the Genetic Revolution: Dolly to Gene Therapy to Eugenics”

Bernard Gert, Dartmouth, 1999
“Morality and Self Interest”

Dorothy Nelkin, New York University, 1998
“Business of Bodies: Patents on Human Genes, the Potential for Commercial Gain from Body Tissue”

Albert Jonsen, University of Washington, 1997
“Cloning Conundrum”

Michael Perlin, New York Law School, 1996
“Patient Counseling: Right to Refuse Cases; Questions of Competency”

Alexander Capron, UCSF, 1995
“Legalizing Physician Assisted Suicide”

Mark Siegler, University of Chicago
“Research Ethics: Ethical Dilemmas that revolve around the best interests of the patients participating in clinical trials”