Elliott M. Sogol

Elliott M. Sogol

Elliott M. Sogol, PhD, R.Ph, F.A.Ph.A

Volunteerism And Leadership – A Goal To Reach For
Oct. 4, 2012
12:15-1:15 p.m.
Room 163/165 LifeScience Building on the Duluth campus (Simulcast to Twin Cities, room 7-135 Weaver-Densford Hall)
Please RSVP to [email protected]

Elliott M. Sogol, PhD, R.Ph, F.A.Ph.A currently serves in the Professional Services department for Target Corporation. His responsibilities include oversight and direction of clinical aspects of specialty pharmaceuticals, relationship management in healthcare, clinical pharmacy education services, pharmacist and technician clinical educational training and programs, and integration of clinical assessment for student pharmacist rotations.

In addition, Dr. Sogol serves as a liaison for all Schools of Pharmacy as well as pharmacy and medical professional associations across the U.S. He also oversees the integration of clinical assessment for student pharmacists on rotation.

He serves on the Foundation for Managed Care Pharmacy Specialty Pharmacy Governing Board. He also serves on the Standards Oversight Committee for the Center for Pharmacy Practice Accreditation.

Dr. Sogol holds appointments as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Florida, University of Minnesota, University of North Carolina, and Campbell University Schools of Pharmacy.

He recently served as the Science Officer for the American Pharmacists Association from 2003-2010.

Prior to his positions at Target, he served as the interim chair and program director for the Department of Clinical Research at Campbell University School of Pharmacy. He also served as an associate professor and director of academic affairs for clinical research, chair of the clinical research admissions and student performance committee, and chair of the curriculum committee.

Dr. Sogol earned his bachelor of science - pharmacy, master of science, and doctor of philosophy in pharmacy with a minor in business from the University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy in Madison Wisconsin.