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Capstone Presentations 2024
- Using an OT Perspective to Incorporate Psychosocial Patient Education Materials into Prosthetics Practice
- Optimizing Access for Enhanced Client-Centered Care_ A Strategic Initiative for Resource Management and Staff Education
- Exploring Centralized Mechanisms of Pain in Thumb/Wrist Osteoarthritis
- Examining the Relationship Between Kinesiophobia and Disability in Persons with Carpometacarpal Osteoarthritis
- Empowering Mothers: Community Education on Pelvic Floor Health for Pre and Postnatal Care
- Development of a Revised Intake ADL Form for Individuals with Limb Loss at Limb Lab
- Addressing Client Sexual Health and Intimacy in the Rehabilitation Setting
Children and Youth
Yoga & Mindfulness for Children Who Attend Out of School Time at the Duluth YMCA
The Impacts of Sensory-Focused Home Modifications
Strengths and Weaknesses of Utilizing the SCOPE with Neurodivergent Children and Adolescents
- Reducing Burnout by Addressing Self-Care Needs Tailored to Caregivers of Children with Health and Functional Needs
- Promoting Coaching Strategies in Early Childhood to Support Play and Development
- PlaySkillz: Promoting Developmental Skills Through Play in Early Childhood
- Optimizing Volunteer's Knowledge and Play and Engagement in Play: Learning Through Play
- Enhancing Home Program Adherence in Autistic Children and Families Strategies to Support More Effective Home Program Implementation
- Empowering Caregivers of Children: Online Education for Enhanced Support and Skill Development
- Early Intervention Parent Education in Nature -Based Playgroups
- Impact of Sensory Processing Caregiver Education for Families
Adolescents and Young Adults
- Exploring Transition Strategies at 21 Roots Farm for Adolescents and Adults with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities
- Exploring the Financial Management Behaviors and Experiences of Young Adults Who Are At-Risk
- Empowering Autistic Adults: A Comprehensive Overview of Reproductive Health
- Developing Life Skills Programming for Previously Homeless Young Adults at the Haven
- Creating an Occupation-Based Program to Improve Mental Fortitude in At-Risk Youth
- Creating a Life Skills Program With a Focus on Self-efficacy for Previously Unhoused LGBTQIA+ Young Adults
Older Adults
- Tailored Activity Program to Increase Engagement for Older Adults in an Assisted Living Facility
- Increasing Community Engagement in Socially Isolated Community-Dwelling Older Adults
- Community-Based Education for Older Adults and their Informal Caregivers
- Building Bridges: Improving the Transition of Care for Older Adults from A Health Care System to a Community YMCA
- Better Together: Community Programming Impact on Quality of Life in Older Adults
Mental Health
- Self Regulation E-Learning Program for Inpatient Psychiatric Unit Staff
- Program Development to Address the Mental Health Symptoms of Patients with Pelvic Floor Disorders
- Occupational Therapy Programming for Mental Health Adolescent Groups
- Health and Wellness for Healthcare Professionals: Burnout Prevention and Resiliency Building
- Developing a User-Centered Group Exercise Program for Individuals with Chronic Mental Illness
- Developing a Reporting Tool and Prevention Education Program to Reduce Falls in Adults with Mental Health Conditions in a Customized Living Setting
- Community Reintegration After Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment Through Drum Circles
- Inmates Understanding of Basic Life Skills
Capstone Presentations 2023
Research Focused Experience
- Studying the Reliability and Precision of the Intermetacarpal Distance Method in Persons with Thumb Osteoarthritis
- Research_ Test-Retest Reliability of the GripAble Device
- Interrater Reliability Measures for Administering the Function in Sitting Test in Pediatric Populations
- Accessibility and Community Participation for Adults with Disabilities
Older Adults
- Use of an Occupation-Based Activity Program in a Rural SNF to Improve Perceived Levels of Meaningfulness in Daily Activities
- The Therapeutic Use of Music for Older Adults with Neurocognitive Disorders
- Technology Enhanced Activities in Dementia Care
- Programming at an Adults Day Program to Support the Needs of Unpaid Caregivers
- Impact of a Hydration Program in a Senior Living Facility to Improve Fluid Intake
Education Focused Experiences
- The Design and Pilot of a Continuing Education Course About Sleep in Adults and Older Adults
- Creation of an Online Continuing Education Course About the Use of Virtual Reality in OT
- Creating an Piloting a Continuing Education Course for OT Practitioners Focused on Children and Sleep
- Creating a Level II FW Experience at the Fort Liberty Holistic Health and Fitness Program
- Best Practices for Preparing a Diverse Student Body for Success in the Doctoral Capstone
Children and Youth
- Trauma Informed Care Training for OTs Working with Immigrant Children and Their Families
- The Efficacy of Hippotherapy Interventions and Perceptions Surrounding It
- Self-Efficacy for Clinicians and Feeding Interventions for Autistic Children
- Nature's Impact on a Child's Playfulness
- Impact of Sensory Processing Education and Training for Early Childhood Educators
- Development of Healthy Habits and Routines in Children Experiencing Homelessness
- Developing an Animal Assisted Therapy Program for a Pediatric Population
- Creating a Training Module to Teach Volunteers About Self Regulation in Children
- Comparing Service Oriented Community Activities to In-house Programming at GiGi's Playhouse
- Caregivers of Autistic Children Perspectives on Factors Affecting Access to Occupational Therapy Services
Women's Health
- Preparing Mothers for the Post Partum Experience
- Holistic Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema OT Practice
- Creating a Group Support Program for Post Partum Individuals
- Creating a Culturally Tailored Health and Wellness Program for Hispanic Mothers Participating in a Community Based Support Group
Physical Health and Wellness
- The Use of Prisms for Visual Field Deficits and Visual Inattention
- Programming to Address Diabetes in the Latino Population
- Improving Competency of Hospital-based OTs in Pain Management
- Impact of Education for Service Providers About Managing and Preventing Wounds in Persons who are Unsheltered
- Building Habits for Cardiovascular Health
- Benefits of Workplace Wellness & Stress Management Training for Staff in a Summer Camp Program for Children
Mental Health
- Supporting First Responders and Military Personnel_ Link Between OT and a Mental Health Equine Experiential Framework 4
- Development of Caregiver Mental Health Programming at Ronald McDonald House
- Developing an Intentional Community at Touchstone Mental Health
- Creating Meaning in Life for Adults Receiving Inpatient Care at Peaks Recovery Center
Autism and Intellectual Disabilities
Capstone Presentations 2022
Children and Youth
- Creating a Golf Program for Autistic Children at Three Rivers Park District
- Examining the Play Behaviors of Children with ASD
- Supporting the Developmental Needs of Children Impacted by COVID-19
- Ready, Set, Regulate: Self Regulation Programming for Early Childhood Educators
- Impact of Inclusion Training for YMCA Gymnastics Staff Members
- A Revised Trauma Informed Care Training for Southside Family Nurturing Center
- OT Best Practice for Children with Sensory Processing Difficulties and Neuromuscular Disorders
- Creating Nature-Based Play Education Materials for Parents
- Development of a Trauma-Informed Care Module for K-12 Educators in an Emergency Shelter
- Improving Awareness of the Connection Between Sensory Processing and Mental Health in Children
- Training Summer Staff Who Work with Transitioned Aged Youth
- Impact of Animal-Assisted Pediatric Therapy from the Perspective of Caregivers
- Communication and Collaboration on Early Intervention Teams at St. Paul Public Schools
- Social and Emotional Learning in Marginalized Youth
Adults: Intellectual Disability
- Visual Support and Modeling to Promote Social Skill Development in Adults with Developmental Disabilities
- Improving Quality of Life for Autistic Adults by Increasing Occupations Based and Sensory Friendly Opportunities in the Community
- Developing Person-Centered Training to Support Participants at PossAbilities
- Alternative Communication Methods in the Workplace for Adults with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities
- Self Regulation Strategies to Minimize Disruptive Group Behavior in Young Adults and Teens with Developmental and/or Cognitive Disabilities
Adults: Mental Health
- Integrating Sensory Strategies Training for Staff who Support Community Dwelling Adults with Mental health Challenges
- Creation of Therapist Training for Improving Client-Centered Care for Persons with Hoarding Disorder
- Supporting LGBTQIA+ Individuals Through the Intake and recovery Processes at Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
- Describing the Refugee Experience
Adults: Maternal Health
- Occupational Therapy and Maternal Mental Health
- Co-Occupation Based Parenting Series at Healing House
- Supporting Self Efficacy and Role Development in Mothers of Preterm Infants in the NICU
Adults: Rehabilitation
- Creation of a Program to Improve Self Efficacy for Survivors of Stroke
- Addressing the Psychosocial Needs of Clients in Neurological Rehabilitation
- Analysis of Musculoskeletal Disorders, Injuries and Back Pain in Production Crop Farmers
- Quality Improvement of Client Education Materials for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Increasing Occupational Participation for People with Upper Extremity Hypermobility
- Stakeholder Insights to Inform Process Improvement at Handi Medical Supply
Older Adults
- Programming at Mesabi Family YMCA and Virginia Senior Center to Increase Social Participation of Older Adults
- Person-Centered Care within Open Circle Adult Day Program
- Revision of an Aquatic Arthritis Program for Adults Ages 55+
- Yoga for RUR "ALL" Bodies at Healing Routines LLC
- Improving the Care Coordination Process at Wilder Customized Living Services
- Adaptive Fitness for Older Adults at The Marsh
- Promoting Leisure Participation and Well Being in an Adult Day Program
- Use of Social Dance to Support Engagement in Older Adults