Spirit of the Century Mortar Club Founders' Award

Stephen Schondelmeyer

Steven Schondelmeye

Ever since he came to the College as the CMC’s Endowed Chair holder approximately thirty years ago, Dr. Schondelmeyer has shown the spirit of the CMC founders time and time again.
While he is the CMC’s endowed chair holder, Dr. Schondelmeyer has never forgotten that the CMC is responsible for his being in Minnesota. Dr. Schondelmeyer has presented numerous management seminars, given reports at countless annual meetings, attended over 100 CMC board meetings, and consistently begins talks to other organizations by thanking the Century Mortar Club for bringing him to Minnesota. His CMC spirit is genuine, it is strong, and it is never ending. He literally exudes the spirit of the individuals who founded the CMC in all that he does in every aspect of his exceptional professional life.

Bruce Benson

Bruce Benson

Bruce Benson, epitomizes the very essence of the Century Mortar Club. With unwavering dedication and a commitment that spans decades, his long and distinguished service has left an indelible mark on CMC. Bruce’s passion extends beyond mere duty; it encompasses a genuine commitment to CMC members, our students, alumni, and the College of Pharmacy. The Spirit of the Founder’s Award is fitting recognition as Bruce embodies the values that define CMC.